Friday, 15 May 2009

Shutter speed and moving water

Not a traditional sunset shot as the sun here comes in from the right and lights up the white shells on the stone. How the spray of water looks is largely controlled by your shutter speed. If the moving water is your main subject in the picture I recommend using Shutter Speed Priority (Tv) for your landscape shot instead of the more common Aperture priority (Ap).

In the example below the photo on the left is shot with a shutter speed of 1/30 second. The photo on the right is shot with a longer shutter speed of 0,8 second, which creates a lot more blur in the water.

A longer shutter speed creates larger white areas in the picture. I prefer water shots where the water is not blurred out completely. Remember that a big white area is very dominating in the frame. Try out a series of shutter speeds from 1/200 sec to 2 sec and decide your preference when you wiew the days' catch on your computer later.

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