Tuesday, 22 December 2009

On where to set your focus

For both of these images I have chosen to set the focus on the glass I am shooting through, and not what you actually see ouside the window or in the reflection. One tip is to try and hold the camera pointing 90 degrees onto the glass.
For the image with the reflection this would obviously not work, as all you would see was a nerd with a camera :-) But choose an aperture that keeps the spots on the window pane sharp in focus.


  1. Inspirerende! Likte spesielt godt effekten på det øverste bildet. Må holde et øye med vinduer nå :) Silje

  2. Tusen takk, Silje! Et triks kan også være å bruke sin egen spraykanne...

  3. digger disse bildene ... :)
    regn på rutene i bil i fart kan også være tøffe motiver ;)
    man kan finne motiver i det uendelige da... herlig!
